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Good sleep quality
“Quality sleep” is fundamental for the holistic health“

How to do when entering the Silver Age of 50+ but experiencing sleep problems

Good sleep quality does not just refer to the duration or number of hours slept, it in deed encompasses other factors as well. As you age, you may encounter increased issues with sleep quality, such as taking longer to fall asleep or waking up frequently during the night due to restlessness. These issues can stem from imbalanced neurotransmitter activity in the brain, leading to anxiety and accumulated stress. This can impact your overall quality of life and daily activities, as well as your long-term health in the Silver Age of 50+.

So, how can you improve sleep quality? Sleep quality can be enhanced by addressing stress, engaging in relaxation activities, or consuming certain natural nutrients and extracts known to promote better sleep.

Researches have shown that consuming gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and L-theanine can help relax the brain and nervous system, alleviate anxiety, and improve sleep quality.

GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that promotes relaxation and sleep and is found naturally in food like kimchi and yogurt. L-theanine is an amino acid that the body cannot produce on its own and is naturally found in green and black tea. L-theanine stimulates the production of alpha waves in the brain, promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and improving deep and restful sleep.

When the body receives complete nutrition, important hormones function normally, even as one enters the Silver Age of 50+. This has no adverse effects on the body and mind, ensuring a fulfilling lifestyle every day. Do not forget to enhance your health with beneficial nutrients for “Easy Good Health in the Silver Age of 50+.” Visiting our products.

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