As one approaches the age of 50 or beyond, there is often an increased likelihood of encountering health issues and physical decline due to the aging process. This may include deficiencies in certain nutrients stemming from reduced digestive and absorptive functions, abnormal bowel movements due to difficulties in chewing food, especially fiber-rich foods, and even disruptions in nerve and brain function. Therefore, it is essential to pay attention to nutrition and dietary intake for individuals at the age of 50+, particularly for maximizing self-care benefits. Additionally, appropriate exercise and sufficient, quality sleep are equally crucial.
Several scientific studies suggest that various nutrients and natural extracts can promote good health, particularly those beneficial to the digestive and excretory systems, as well as improving sleep quality. These factors are vital for maintaining the health of the Silver Age of 50+.
Key nutrients recommended for individuals at the age of 50+:
- Protein is one of the essential nutrients for the Silver Age individuals, particularly plant-based protein. As we grow older, the muscle mass and strength tend to decline. Protein plays a crucial role in supporting muscle growth. Apart from consuming protein from food, there is also a group of important amino acids for seniors, namely Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAA), which several studies have shown to stimulate muscle growth and repair effectively.
- Consuming good fats such as Medium-Chain Triglyceride (MCT Oil) along with omega-3 fatty acids can continuously help reduce levels of triglycerides.
- Consuming Vitamin E with iron and consuming vitamin B2 and B12 help increase beneficial bacteria that produce short-chain fatty acids which are beneficial for the intestinal absorption of nutrients.
- Apart from being known as an anti-aging vitamin or a supplement for anti-aging, Vitamin C also plays a role in boosting the immune system by working together with selenium and vitamin D. These are considered essential vitamins and minerals for the Silver Age of 50+ which should be consumed regularly.
- Prebiotics or dietary fibers such as Xylo-oligosaccharide (XOS) are beneficial for good bacteria in the intestine or probiotics. They can prevent and alleviate symptoms of diarrhea and constipation, serving as high-quality digestive health supplements.
- L-theanine can help relax the brain, reduce stress, and improve sleep quality.
- GABA is a neurotransmitter that promotes relaxation and sleep, making it a beneficial dietary supplement for the Silver Age of 50+ to alleviate fatigue resulting from insufficient rest effectively.
- Calcium, which works in conjunction with vitamins C and D for absorption into the body, along with collagen type II, is considered another form of collagen that promotes more efficient joint function. All of these can be considered as dietary supplements for the Silver Age of 50+ to strengthen bones and joints.